Air compressors compress air into a storage tank by an electric motor, from which the compressed air may be released at a predetermined pressure as needed. However, since air compressors are different, a Youtube tutorial by learn channel on ‘How does an Air Compressor work?’ gives guidelines and criteria for picking an appropriate air compressor.
Air compressors are classified into two types: dynamic and positive displacement. The tutorial discusses positive displacement compressors, which pump air into a chamber and reduce its volume.
Positive displacement air compressors are categorized further into two categories: reciprocating and rotary compressors. The reciprocating air compressors use crankshaft-powered cylinders and pistons. Air is compressed using pistons, increasing its density and decreasing its volume without converting it into liquid. While air is compressed in a single stroke in a single-stage compressor, it is squeezed twice in a second-stage compressor to allow for cooling before exiting the second-stage compression.
During compression, friction generates heat. In the case of multistage compressors, water cooling is preferable. Reciprocal air compressors are used in combination with a tank controlled by a two-point controller and the tank’s diaphragm or rotary compressors that help minimize wear and energy consumption.