Five years ago college simply was not in the picture. You were not ready to sit in a classroom anymore. You were not up for any more late night study sessions. You were unwilling to take on any debt in pursuit of a degree that you could not decide on. Now, however, it is a different story.
After working full time at one job and picking up extra hours at another part time position for the last five years, you are able finally able to afford to pursue your college degree. With a plan to go after a kinesiology degree and enough money to see the plan through to the end, you are hopeful about achieving your next goal.
Investing in Yourself and a College Degree Will Help You Improve Your Future Earning Potential
When was the last time that you took a college class? Have you ever stayed up late working on a paper? The decision to enroll in a college course and work your way toward a kinesiology degree, a psychology degree, or an administrative degree is a decision to make sure that you can improve your earning potential. Consider the following facts and figures about the decision to pursue a college degree:
- The people who go to college find out that they are able to get better jobs, higher salaries, and more opportunities for promotions.
- An English program can help you in the pursuit of an education or a law degree.
- Kids head off to school every day of the week and leave you time to work on pursuing a kinesiology degree, a secondary education degree, or any other area of study that interests you.
- Estimates from a 2012 Pew Research report indicated that workers with at least a bachelor?s degree had median annual earnings of $45,500. This amount is significantly over the median salaries for people with only some college who earn $30,000, or the workers who only have a high-school diploma and earn $28,000.
- Testing is not always easy for everyone, but many colleges will provide access to study techniques that can help you find more success.
- Hourly wages as opposed to a salaried position will always limit your potential.
- Early education degrees are the first step that many people pursue in their pathway to being an elementary school administrator.
- Finishing a degree that you have started in the past is a noble goal that many people can achieve when their employers offer to cover the cost of tuition.
- Instead of dreading to go to work every day, doesn’t it make more sense to enroll in some classes and pursue the career you have always dreamed of?
- Research indicates that 83% of all college attendees say earning their degree has paid off.
- Statistics indicate that the average hourly wage for college graduates is about $32.60.
- The person who earns a bachelor?s degree has an average starting salary of $45,000.
- Staying in college and finishing a degree pays off in the end. In fact, in the year 2013 Americans with four-year college degrees made 98% more an hour on average than people without a degree.
- The decision to not go to college can cost you nearly half a million dollars, when the additional wages that you would miss out on are taken into account.
- English majors with a bachelor?s degrees report average starting salaries of $36,200 and moving on to mid-career salaries of $63,500.
- Psychology degrees are a great stepping stone to many different careers.