Education matters.
For everyone.
From performing arts middle schools located in the best public schools around the country to private elementary schools to the most advanced and competitive private school curriculums, there are many advantages to being selective about where you send your children. Although there are some place in the nation where the reasons why private schools are better is very evident, there are also a number of places where the public schools are very strong. Being aware of the educational options in the community where you live is an important part of making sure that you are giving your child the best advantages from the youngest of ages.
Are There Reasons Why Private Schools Are Better Than Public Schools?
For some families, the decision to attend a private school is easy to make. These families are more confident in the faculty at private schools and often feel like a prestigious private school education is the only way that their children will achieve admission into Ivy League schools. Other families, however, see the advantages to sending their children to a public school with a more diverse publication and, at times, an even wider range of advanced and advanced placement classes.
No matter what kinds of schools you are considering for your children, it is always going to be important to consider Three Important Educational Factors.
Teachers The faculty at a school will always be one of the most important factors in the kind of education that your children receive. From the youngest preschool rooms to the most advanced high school classes, it is imperative that the person in charge of the classroom is both well prepared and respectful to students. Every teacher has a slightly different delivery method, but it will always be essential to select a school where the teachers take a serious approach to planning for their learning environments and that they are adults who both respect and care for students.
In many cases, 60% to 80% of private school teachers will have an advanced degree, but there are also a number of school districts that are also staffed with highly educated individuals. For this reason, it is often important to look closely at the statistics about the teachers in a district and understand the qualifications that are provided by the teachers who will be instructing your children.
Curriculum Private schools account for 25% of the nation’s schools, enroll 10% of all PK-12 students, and are often known for offering rigorous course of curriculum that will challenge the very top students. If, however, you have a student who will not do well in some of these highly demanding classes, you might need to consider a different option. One of the differences in public schools is that they educate every child every day, and some of them are able to achieve the diverse task of offering the most challenging Advanced Placement classes to some students, while also offering the support that other learners need to be successful.
As a parent, it is important to understand the needs of your students so that you can find a school that will be the best academic fit.
Climate The latest research indicates that 87% of private schools have fewer than 300 students and for many parents a small school climate is the perfect fit. For other families, however, there can also be an advantage to being at a larger school where students can experience the diversity that is a beneficial preparation for the real world.
Education will always matter to everyone, but it is not always the case that there are reasons why private schools are better than public schools in some parts of the country. If you are fortunate enough to live in a part of the country where the public schools are very strong, then you might strongly consider looking at those options. In other parts of the country, however, there is a big divide between the public and private school options.
If you were to survey a room full of parents you would likely hear reasons why private schools are better, as well as reasons why public schools are better. As a parent, it will always be in your child’s best interest to consider all of the options.