High School Isn’t For Everyone, And It Doesn’t Have To Be! 3 High School Alternatives You Need To Know About
Sometimes traditional high school just doesn’t work, and it can leave teens feeling rundown, depressed, and anxious. If you’re teen is struggling there are high school alternatives that you should know about.
3 Alternative Programs For High School Dropouts
Dropping out of high school isn’t a bad thing, I did it almost 10 years ago due to anxiety issues that made it almost too difficult to function. Everyone has their own reasons, and each one is absolutely valid. The good news is that dropping out doesn’t have to be the end, there are many high school alternatives that allow you to fulfill the education requirements without going to a traditional school. A few of them include:
- Independent Studies. These programs are public and can help fulfill the same requirements as traditional high school. Many districts also offer them free of charge. If brick and mortar aren’t your style, online options also exist. There are hundreds of online based high school learning programs, which can offer both full time and part time enrollment. While these do cost money, they can also give you the freedom to learn at your own pace, and in the comfort of your own home. This is a good option for people that are working, or for those who just want to have more leeway in their learning options.
- GED. GED alternatives are great for people of all ages that never finished high school, and it is the option that I chose to go with. Rules vary between states based on what age a teenager has to be to qualify, so be sure to check your local regulations before trying to sign up. The great thing about this option is that many local colleges offer the testing, along with free or low cost classes to help prepare students. When I was applying I was able to take 3 basic courses for free at my local college before taking the final test. Additionally, a GED functions the same as a high school diploma. You can apply for jobs, take college classes, and anything else that requires this credit. It’s definitely something worth considering.
- Homeschooling. Homeschooling has been on the rise in recent decades, and for very good reasons. It allows teens to learn at their own pace, while giving parents the means to help them succeed. Parents can act as instructors themselves, or they can take part in a charter high school program. Charter programs can vary, but the one that I took part in would meet once a week and provide the rest of the lessons online. This is a good mix between option 1, as you get access to a professional instructor, but can also work on your own at home. Really, for those who want to finish out high school without going the traditional route, this can be the best option.
High school isn’t for everyone, and it doesn’t have to be! We all learn in our own ways and as such should find programs that cater to these unique styles. While these 3 options are the most common, they are by no means the only high school alternatives out there. With a little research you can find the option that works best for you, your learning style, and your schedule. Once completed you can go on to a college, trade school, or job market without the fear of being held back.