There are a lot of different types of independent schools available for you to choose from today. These range from day schools to Christian schools in which you’ll get a Christian education. Regardless of what type of a private high school you choos to attend, you can expect to receive an excellent education, which will improve your chances of getting into college. These are 2 of the main reasons why competitions is so tight whenever it comes to getting into a Norfolk private school.
If you’d like to improve your chances of getting into a private high school, there are some things that you can do. Begin by taking the following steps:
1. Contact the private high school and ask them to send you an application package to complete. Sometimes this can be done online. Make sure that you’re applying to more than one school so that you have a better chance of gaining admission. Don’t rush here! It should take you at least a week to write the perfect admissions essay.
2. Talk to an adult who’s familiar with the private high school. Have them give you tips about the steps you’ll need to take in order to gain admittance to the school.
3. Take the SSAT and the ISEE standardized tests as soon as possible. If you feel as though you could do better the second time that you take the test, then take it again.
4. Go visit the school’s campus. Make sure that you give a good impression of yourself and that you ask the questions that will help to ensure that the school is a good fit for you.
5. Make sure that you have several letters of recommendation to provide the school with. These should come from people such as a teacher, an athletic coach, an advisor to another extracurricular activity and an adult who has supervised you in a summer job, volunteer position or other type of service related field.