There is no magic age at which the transition from public school to private school becomes absolutely easy, but there are certain times when making the transition can benefit your child the most. Whether you are considering private school for your elementary student or middle schooler, or even a private high school for your child, know your child and understand their wants, needs and challenges. Around 80% of parents who send their children to a private school are happy with the academic standards the private school offers. Whether you are looking for a strong honors program or a strong athletic program, centering the school around your child’s needs can help make the transition go smooth.
Each Child is Special
Each child is unique and parents should consider their child’s uniqueness when it comes to selecting a school. Considering your child’s individuals strengths and milestones will help you narrow down school choices. Elementary schools focus on social skills while nurturing educational goals, but middle school is when many children find themselves having a hard time fitting in. Choosing a private school for your middle school child can help ease some of the awkwardness many middle school students feel. It can help them feel more involved and help them find a place where they feel as though they honestly belong.
Consider the Timing
There are natural transitions that children go through during their school years, and middle school is a major transition for many students. This makes middle school years a perfect time to make the transition to a private school if you have been considering that option. During middle school years, many elementary schools come together and children could find themselves more lost than ever. They could experience withdraw issues and feel as though they don’t fit in anywhere. This is an awkward stage in life making it more stressful. Switching in these years can ease some transition issues that many parents experience when choosing to switch their children from public school to a private school.
Waiting Lists
Parents should consider the fact that there may be waiting lists or a lottery system for some private schools. It may be necessary to get on these lists early on in order to get a spot when they open up. Middle school years are a time when more spots generally become available because of the transition phase. If parents would like for their child to try and get one of these spots, then they should talk with school officials early on to see when the best time to add their child to waiting list is, in order to gain placement when wanted.
There are many reasons parents choose private schools over public schools. Class sizes tend to be smaller with private schools. Class sizes average 12 to 13 students per teacher in private schools compared to 15 to 16 in public schools. Middle school years may be a time when children need extra help and smaller class sizes help with this. Private school also tend to be smaller in size overall. About 86% of private schools have fewer than 300 students enrolled. This makes it less overwhelming for middle school children who feel the need to fit in somewhere. No matter what your reasons are for choosing to switch, consider your wants and desires and your child’s needs and accomplishments. A little diligent work now can mean the difference between graduating and getting left behind in the school system.
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