Online courses are changing the world of education, making it possible for people to gain knowledge, certification and degrees in a wide variety of subjects. Millions of people enroll for online courses each year, in subjects ranging from data science to online marketing to Buddhism. Whether they’re looking to gain a professional qualification or just add to their personal knowledge, online learners can absorb the course materials at their own pace and convenience. Course materials can include video lectures, discussion groups, assignments and visual materials.
Why take online courses?
For most people, online learning is an attractive option because of the richness and range of course offerings. The shared knowledge economy helps people to continue or complete their education, at their own pace and convenience. As of 2013, over 6 million people had completed at least one online course, according to the Babson Survey Research Group. Almost a third or 32% of al students enrolled in traditional higher education courses have taken at least one online course.
People’s motivations for taking online courses vary, and include both personal and professional considerations. For nearly half, or 46%, of online learners, professional advancement was the primary goal in enrolling. Then there are the personal learners, who comprise about 74% of the adult population. They motivation for gaining new knowledge is because it is of personal interest to them. They learn through online courses as well as events, meetings and lectures.
Different learning styles
Different people have very different learning styles. It can be difficult to meet all these needs in a single, traditional classroom, but the world of online courses in different. People can learn at their own pace and at their convenience. As many as 68% of students enrolled in online classes feel that this helps them to balance work, family and social commitments.
The variety of course materials used in online learning, including video lectures, readings, online discussions, quizzes and assignments, and visual materials like video, pictures, and interactive media, also make it easier for students to learn. Some 65% of the population consists of visual learners, who find it easier to process visual images than texts or lectures. The online learning format, with its range of delivery methods, can meet their needs as well as catering to students who prefer to read.
Online learning is quickly changing the world of education, at the secondary and post-secondary levels. It’s an opportunity for people to gain knowledge for their personal goals or for professional advancement. A significant number of students who are enrolled in traditional classroom courses also take online classes. A range of delivery methods, inducing lectures, readings, interactive media and quizzes help students with different learning styles to engage with the course material.