The Three A’s of Finding the Best High School

As May approaches and high school seniors across the nation begin to finish up their high school careers and move on to the colleges of their choice, an entire new batch of students and their parents make decisions about what high schools they will attend. While some parents never look past the local public school option, other parents look for […]

7 Tips to Get Yourself and Your Child Ready for Pre-School

Making the most of a child’s ability to learn early in their lives is critically important. For the first few years of a child’s life they are more able to absorb more information than at any other point in their lives. Every day the average two year old toddler adds about five new words to their vocabulary. it is critically […]

Don’t Let Your Debt Ruin Your Dreams

21 million Americans attended colleges in 2014. With some many people attending college, a bachelors degree just isn’t what it used to be in today’s economy. High-paying jobs have become harder and harder to come by, and if don’t have a master’s degree or higher, you could be stuck at an entry-level job for most of your career. A 2012 […]

Tips for Going Back to School

It is no secret that people with undergraduate degrees earn more than people who do not have them. In 2012, the Pew Foundation released a report that showed people with bachelors degrees earned an average of $45,500 per year. This is much more than the average earnings for people with some college, they made about $30,000 and those with only […]

The Three Most In-Demand Degrees of 2015

The beginning of an individual’s college education can be an exciting and confusing time. Learning to navigate the campus, figuring out the expectations of a diverse group of professors and figuring out campus culture can be overwhelming. When it comes to difficult decisions with the most far-reaching effects, choice of major tops the list. There are more undergraduate degrees possible […]

Benefits of Education on the Individual

Education in this country can be slightly depressing to consider. It gets repeated cuts in the government nationally, although Rhode Island gets better marks than most states on that subject, but the same people who vote for the politicians that cut education are often also parents that spend a considerable amount of time fretting about whether their child is receiving […]