What Are Some Myths About Home Fire Sprinklers?

When it comes to fire sprinkler design, there are plenty of myths to be wary of. This is especially true for home fire sprinkler systems. If you’re worried about having a fire sprinkler system installed in your home, we’re here to bust a few myths to put your mind at ease. Let’s get started. One of the most common myths […]

What Is an FMV Calculator and How Does it Work?

When you want to assess the total value of your assets under normal market conditions, you’ll need to use a fair market value (FMV) calculator. Without this helpful tool, it’s much most difficult to determine what the fair market value of your assets is. you might be wondering what we mean when we refer to “assets” here. In this context, […]

Creating a Positive Work From Home Environment

The world is experiencing a shift and a work from home environment is quickly becoming embraced in work culture. For a company to achieve its set goals, there needs to be coordinated team effort from the employer and employee. Working remotely can easily brew feelings of isolation, disconnection and lack of motivation hence the importance of creating a positive environment. […]

Consider Plumbing as a Career

The world is changing with people seeking financial and career freedom through self-employment; more blue-collar jobs such as plumbing are scaling in the market. As the video outlines, plumbing and electrical churns exciting, mechanical, and practical electrical plumbing combined with plumbing and electrical. Just like any other career, customer service comes first in plumbing. It means that a plumber needs […]

How to Minimize Energy Use at Home

Your home relies on energy for heating and cooling, lighting, powering all of your electronics, and heating your water. Conserving energy is important, especially in today’s world, where there is an environmental crisis going on. If you are like many other people, you are searching for ways to reduce energy use at home without having to spend thousands of dollars […]

EPDM vs TPO Flat Roofing

Any commercial roofing company needs to know a lot about different types of roofs and how these roofs fare in the immediate area. EPDM and TPO systems each have their pros and cons, but many choose the TPO type because it is less expensive. When the budget isn’t tight, there are a lot of factors to consider. Video Source EPDM […]

Why Wont My Garage Door Close?

The garage door won’t close, but it’s most likely something that the homeowner can repair independently. It’s not always a faulty garage door spring. This YouTube video illustrates what to look for before opting for a garage door spring repair. Garage doors that don’t close are usually caused by a faulty sensor or a bent or dented track rail. Video […]

Prevent Cold Air From Entering Your Home

Your house could be costing you money. It’s always the little things that you barely notice. One example is the cracks in the house that could let in cold air. You might not even know it either. How is this even possible? Do you ever wonder why your house feels so cold when you have the heat on? That is […]

How to Clean and Maintain Your Industrial Cooling Tower

A cooling tower is an essential part of an industry’s heat rejection process; going without it could cause a detrimental setback in temperature control. Therefore, keeping it in top shape is crucial and will require you to have a cooling tower maintenance plan complete with anti-clogging measures for effective operation. Here is a step-by-step guide that will be worth your […]