The Many Benefits of Piano Lessons for Young Children


Dance lessons

The goal of parenting is to produce a successful and well adjusted child. Parents make a lot of sacrifices and expose their children to a variety of things in hopes of improving their education, interpersonal skills and overall success. They plan for their futures, attempting to find the best classes and skills that will provide them with the most benefit in their adult lives. One of these common skills is that of the arts or music lessons. Music lessons and other types of arts activities have proven to increase the success of children and to provide many benefits to their everyday functioning lives.
Engaging children into the arts early on adds many benefits to their lives. For example, children who are offered art and music programs in schools tend to have better attendance and graduation rates. Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate compared to schools without music education, which average 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance.

Music and arts lessons also increase the interpersonal and social skills of children. They are surrounded by people who enjoy similar hobbies and activities, which can create lasting friendships for them. They also have the ability to learn to interact with different types of people in different types of environments. In fact, many children who are exposed to the arts early on tend to travel to more countries and learn more cultures and languages.

Piano lessons for beginners and children and other involvement in the arts also translates to higher academic success. Children who are motivated in arts such as dance lessons and piano classes tend to do better in school. They also tend to achieve higher education and higher academic degrees. Students with access to the arts in high school were three times more likely than students who lacked these experiences to earn a bachelor?s degree (17% versus 5%).

These arts lessons may also translate to higher test taking abilities, which is an important part of academic success. Children given four months of piano keyboard training, as well as time playing with newly designed computer software, scored 27% higher on proportional math and fractions tests than other children. These increased test scores help not only with test taking scores, but also with college admittance and licensing testing scores. Beginner music lessons can translate into success in many other areas of life.

Some children may not have access to arts and music lessons in their school programs. For those that do not, private dance lessons and private piano lessons for beginners may be an option. Parents that can enroll their children into schools with these types of lessons or exterior programs with piano lessons for beginners will notice many benefits to their children?s lives. Most programs will offer a variety of piano lessons for beginners and other skill levels. They may also offer other types of arts activities, like dance lessons. There are many types of dance classes available, making it simple to find something that your child may be interested in.

Parents want what is best for their children. They are constantly planning for their future success. Many studies have shown that involving young children into the arts and music provides many benefits for their future. Music and art lessons can increase their academic success, interpersonal skills, testing scores and even their overall satisfaction. They will meet people of all types and will learn to interact with different people. They are also likely to create lasting friendships with people who have similar hobbies and interests. Involving children in music and arts classes early on is a great step to setting them up for later success.

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