My Child Has Been Diagnosed With Depression What Do I Do?

Mental illness is slowly but surely becoming more understood as the years go on. This seemingly invisible disease shows its wear and tear in the everyday, affecting how people socialize, work and even view themselves. While it can seem daunting addressing how anxiety or depression affects your child, the first step is always the most important — helping achieve a […]

Four Tips for Teaching a Kid Spanish

Fun fact: The United States has no official language. We are a melting pot of cultures and languages, and hopefully always will be. That being said, if there is any skill that your child will really benefit from, it is the ability to speak English and Spanish. Most Americans speak English, and Spanish is the next common (and also fastest […]

How Does a Private School Education Help Children Learn?

Are there certain benefits of private school education over a public school one? The answer is not so clear as one would like, for the simple reason that there are over 30,000 private schools, serving about 5.3 million students from preschool to high school. There are even more public schools, and so the quality of each type varies greatly. As […]

Why Every Parent Should Be Enrolling Their Child in a Preschool Program

These days, a child’s education doesn’t start in elementary school — it starts earlier, in preschool. There are so many statistics that show that a good foundation in preschool can really make a difference in a child’s educational and social development. Academic preschool activities are fun, educational, and colorful, often using elements of games and crafting to educate and demonstrate […]

The Endless Benefits of a Bilingual Child

Have you ever been in awe at a friend that could speak more than one language fluently? Have you ever wished you could apply for a dream job, expect that it requires fluency of a secondary language? Have you ever traveled, wishing you could understand what the locals were communicating? There are more benefits to learning a second, and even […]

6 Tips for Adult Students Going Back to School

Going back to school is a big deal, a big decision and will take a lot of work and effort. It can be very exciting but it can also be very stressful. There are a lot of good reasons to make the jump to get back into an academic program after some time away, however. Of people who have bachelors […]

How Preschool Can Shape Your Child’s Future

Kindergartens are changing in terms of their expectations of children and their educational requirements. Quality preschool is increasingly becoming the norm, to help children meet the academic and social expectations they will have to fulfill. One of the most important things to look for in a preschool is whether it will provide the high quality education and readiness that children […]

Is Middle School a Good Age to Switch to a Private School

There is no magic age at which the transition from public school to private school becomes absolutely easy, but there are certain times when making the transition can benefit your child the most. Whether you are considering private school for your elementary student or middle schooler, or even a private high school for your child, know your child and understand […]